Return to God with all your heart through fasting

How fasting and asking powerful questions can give deep revelations

Hi Soul 🌻

I am writing you from a white room in an Airbnb located at Majorstuen in Oslo where I’ll live for a week. In this Sunflower Selah, I’ll share some revelations with you from the past week.

  • Fasting is underrated to get clarity

  • Powerful questions can move you into courage

  • Take low risk actions before you go all in

Fasting is underrated to get clarity

I’d been desiring deeper intimacy with the Lord and more direction from Him about a career decision this week, and I was called to do a prolonged fast on it.

The physical benefits in themselves were many: clarity of thought, detoxification of skin, and deep rest through sleep and relaxation.

But, beyond the physical benefits were the spiritual benefits. I got in deeper touch with underlying motivations, needs, and desires.

  • Fasting quiets your inner “self.”

  • Through fasting, you gain power over physical desires.

  • Fasting helps you grow in gratitude.

  • When you fast, you can “offer it up.”

  • Through fasting, we gain strength to do hard things.

  • Fasting empties you and prepares you to receive God.

I spent the time fasting staying inside my apartment, and I was writing out the different options I see for the path ahead of me, hypothesizing what life will look like pursuing the different paths, and organizing the feedback I had received from my friends and family to best see what I can contribute with simply being me.

Through the fatigue, I also got in touch with how fatigued and tired I am, and the Lord comforted me, saying it is valid with rest. He said that contribution can come through me writing my story into that of a book, and that this, in and of itself, is healing and impactful for the Kingdom.

So, I’ll be simply writing now now until Spring 2025 before I either start Clinical Psychology studies in Oslo, or pursue just entrepreneurship in for example Lisbon/Copenhagen. The Lord will lead.

“Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;

— Joel 2:12

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